Special Offers

Unlock incredible travel experiences with Wilfreda Beehive’s Special Offers, where unforgettable journeys are paired with unbeatable value. If you’re planning to book your next holiday, why not take advantage of these fabulous offers departing soon? These last-minute deals are perfect for customers looking to get away in the next few weeks. Whether you’re after a relaxing break or an exciting adventure, there’s something for everyone. Don’t forget to check back regularly to grab yourself a great deal, as we’re always adding new discounts and offers to make your travel dreams come true.

Last minute coach holidays

Whether you’re dreaming of a magical festive escape, a luxurious Platinum adventure, or a spontaneous weekend retreat, our exclusive offers have something for every traveller. Delight in the festive spirit with our handpicked seasonal breaks, from exploring Christmas markets to celebrating the New Year’s in some of the UK’s most enchanting locations. For those who crave indulgence, our Platinum Holidays ensure your holiday is nothing short of spectacular, with plush reclining seats, and added extra's making every mile memorable.

A weekend break or something a little longer

Need a quick escape? Our weekend breaks are perfect for unwinding and discovering new places, whether you’re craving the sea air, a cultural city adventure, or a peaceful countryside retreat. If Europe’s iconic landmarks are calling, take advantage of our exclusive savings on European coach holidays, offering the perfect blend of rich history, stunning landscapes, and culinary delights. Looking for exceptional value? Our Value Tours provide thoughtfully selected destinations and comfortable accommodations, giving you the holiday you deserve.

Where will you go?

From the rugged beauty of Scotland and the charming villages of Wales to the vibrant streets of Ireland and the dramatic coastlines of the Emerald Isle, our Special Offers promise extraordinary adventures. No matter your destination, Wilfreda Beehive has the perfect offer to take you on your next journey in comfort and style. With tailored packages, exceptional service, and seamless travel, we ensure your experience is unforgettable. Our Special Offers make it easier than ever to embark on your dream getaway.

Travel on your own or with friends and family

Take advantage of the opportunity for a spontaneous escape and discover new destinations on short notice. A last-minute coach holiday offers an irresistible chance to unwind when life gets hectic. Why not embrace spontaneity and book a quick getaway? With plenty of savings and deals to be had, there’s no need to wait long before you’re on your way. Be flexible and let your mood guide you to your next adventure, with fewer days to count down and plenty of excitement ahead. Whether you’re seeking relaxation or adventure, a last-minute getaway is the perfect way to recharge.

Book your last minute adventure today and create unforgettable memories.


Rob Roy Hotel

5 day break

Departs: 10/03/2025

Web Only: £314 was £329

Novotel London West

2 day break

Departs: 15/03/2025

Web Only: £194 was £209

Haddon Hall Hotel

5 day break

Departs: 17/03/2025

Web Only: £314 was £329

Bedford Hotel

5 day break

Departs: 24/03/2025

Web Only: £384 was £399

Cambridge Belfry Hotel

5 day break

Departs: 31/03/2025

Web Only: £404 was £419
Items 1 to 5 of 5 Total